William GILLES
President of IMODEV
Doctor of Laws, William Gilles is a tenured associate professor (HDR) at the Sorbonne Law School (University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) where he is the director of the Master’s degree in Digital Law, and the director of the Chair of the Americas.
He is the cofounder and President of IMODEV.
He is a member of the board of the Sorbonne Law School, and a member of the Academic Board of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where he serves on the Research Council of the University.
He received several awards (1rst Prize of the Foundation Jacques Descours Desacres, delivered by the French Senate, 2014 SMBG Prize Trophée de la pédagogie, 2015 First Prize of the Instituto do Capitalismo Humanista, Brasil).
William Gilles is a former lawyer at the French Constitutional council (2009-2011).
Between 2014 and 2016, he was heard three times by the French Senate on Governmental Transparency, open data, and digital legal issues.
Since 2015, he is one of the two Open Government Partnership (OGP) IRM Researchers for France.
He is the director of the International Journal of Open Government, and of the International Journal of Digital and Data Law.
His research focuses on open government issues (open data, government transparency, citizen participation, government accountability), digital law issues (right to privacy, cybercrime, fundamental rights in the digital society, tax law in the digital society), eGovernement, smart cities, and public finance.

Secretary General of IMODEV
Doctor of Law, Irène Bouhadana is a tenured associate professor at the Sorbonne Law
School (University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) where she is the director of the Master’s
degree in Digital Law.
She is the cofounder and Secretary-General of IMODEV.
As a member of the Chair of the Americas of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, she chairs the Sorbonne International Research Group on “Human Rights and Economic Systems in the Digital Era”.
In 2014, she was awarded the Prize “Trophée de la pédagogie” (SMBG).
Since 2015, she is one of the two Open Government Partnership (OGP) IRM Researchers for France.
She is the director of the International Journal of Open Government, and of the International Journal of Digital and Data Law.
Her research focuses on open government and parliament issues (open parliaments, government transparency, citizen participation, government accountability), digital law issues (right to privacy, cybercrime, fundamental rights in the digital society), eGovernement, smart cities, and Parliament Issues.

Treasurer of IMODEV
PhD in Economics, MA in Econometrics Modelling, Florent PRATLONG, is a tenured Associate Professor at the University PARIS 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne. He is director of the Master of Innovation Management at the Sorbonne School of Management. He is Secretary at the Academy of Technology in France. Former Advisor for the Prime Minister Services in France and Expert for the European Commission. He leads now the Chair ETI Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation as being its Deputy Director. His research is based on the one hand in R&D / Innovation / Entrepreneurship, and on the other hand on Environmental Economics / Management of Sustainable Development. He has been visiting Professor for different Universities in Brazil, Argentina and Azerbaijan.
Conseil scientifique
IMODEV édite une revue sous le contrôle d'un conseil scientifique international, ce conseil comprend :
Allemagne, Luxembourg / Juriste-Linguiste - Cour de Justice de L'Union Européenne
Germany, Luxemburg / Jurist-Linguist - Court of Justice of the European Union
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Allemagne, Luxembourg / Référendaire - Cour de Justice de L'Union Européenne
Germany, Luxemburg / Legal secretary - Court of Justice of the European Union
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
France / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Secretary-General of IMODEV, Irène Bouhadana is Docteur of Law and associate Professor at the Sorbonne Law School (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). She is the Director of the Master of Digital Law (E-Government). She belongs to the Sorbonne Law Research Institute (IRJS). She is also a member of the Observatory on Local Autonomy in Europe, and a member of the GRALE. She gives lectures and conducts research projects in the fields of : Digital Law and E-Government, National Institutions and Municipal administration though a comparative approach (Constitutional aspects, Management and Law of Civil servants and employees of the Public sector). She has an extensive experience in these fields in France and abroad (Russia, Czech Republic, Vietnam,...). |
France / Maitre de conférences - Université de Lille 2
France / Lecturer - University of Lille 2
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
France / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
President of IMODEV, William Gilles, Docteur of Law, is associate Professor at the Sorbonne Law School (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). He is the Director of the Bachelor of Public Administration and the Director of the Master of Digital Law (E-Government). He is a former member of the Law Department of the French Constitutional Court. He belongs to the Sorbonne Law Research Institute (IRJS). He is also a member of the Observatory on Local Autonomy in Europe, and a member of the GRALE. He gives lectures and conducts research projects in the fields of : digital law and e-government, public finances and taxation, financial local authonomy, State and local good dovernance. He has an extensive experience in these fields in France and abroad (Russia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Vietnam,...). |
République tchèque / Professeur - Université Charles
Czech Republic / Professor - Charles University
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Etats-Unis / Professeur - Brandeis School of Law - Louisville
United States of America / Professor - Brandeis School of Law - Louisville
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Fédération de Russie / Researcher - Academy of Sciences - Doctor in Law
Russian Federation / Chercheuse - Académie des sciences de Russie - Docteur en droit
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France / Professeur - Université de Lille 2
France / Professor - University of Lille 2
Colombia / Professeur - Universidad Externado de Colombia
Colombia / Professor - Universidad Externado de Colombia
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Mexique / Professeur - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Mexico / Professor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
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Brésil / Doctorant - Conseiller municipal - Ville de Sao Paulo
Brazil / Researcher - Alderman - City of Sao Paulo
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Brésil / Professeur - Instituto Brasileiro de Administraçāo Judicial
Brazil / Professor - Instituto Brasileiro de Administraçāo Judicial
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Brésil / Professeur - Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).
Brazil / Professor - Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).
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Royaume Uni / Professeur - Faculté d'éducation, de sciences sociales et de droit - Université de Leeds
United Kingdom / Professor - Faculty of Education, Social Sciences and Law - University of Leeds
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Danemark / Professeur Dr. - Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) - Faculté de droit de l'Université de Copenhague
Denmark / Professor Dr. - Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) - Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
Professor Dr. Helle Krunke is Professor of Constitutional Law and Head of Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL). Her research interests lie within Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and EU Law with a specific focus on the interplay between these fields. Her latest publications include: Helle Krunke: ‘Case note the Danish Lisbon Case’ in European Constitutional Law Review, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 542-570, Martin Scheinin, Helle Krunke and Marina Aksenova (ed.): ‘Judges as Guardians of Constitutionalism and Human Rights’, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016 (forthcoming) and Helle Krunke: ‘Sovereignty, constitutional identity, direct democracy? Direct democracy as a national strategy for upholding the nation state in EU integration’ in Jörg Gerkrath and Xenophon Contiades (ed.): ‘Participatory Constitutional Change: The people as amenders of the Constitution’, Ashgate Publishing, 2016 (forthcoming). As regards IMODEV she has so far contributed with the following publications: Helle Krunke: ‘Open Government: Challenges arising from Europeanization and Internationalization’ in Irene Bouhadana, William Gilles and Iris Nguyen-Duy (ed.): ’Parliaments in the Open Government Era’, Les Éditions IMODEV, Paris, 2015, and Helle Krunke: ‘Freedom of information and open government in Denmark: Progress or deterioration?’ in Irene Bouhadana, William Gilles and Russel Weaver (ed.): ’Freedom of Information and Governmental Transparency in the Open Government Era’, Les Éditions IMODEV, Paris, 2016 (forthcoming). |
Suède / Professeur - Université de Södertörn - Stockholm
Sweden / Professor - Södertörn University - Stockholm
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Afrique du Sud / Professeur associé - Department of Public Law - Université du Cap
South-Africa / Associate Professor - Department of Public Law - University of Cap Town
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Italie / Professeur - Université de LUISS - Rome
Italy / Professor - LUISS University - Roma
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Italie / Professeur - Université de Bologne
Italy / Professor - University of Bologna
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Argentine / Université de Belgrano - Buenos Aires
Argentina / University of Belgrano - Buenos Aires
El Dr. Pablo Oscar Gallegos Fedriani es el director de la carrera de especialización en Derecho Administrativo. |
Colombie / Université de Rosario - Bogotá
Colombia / University of Rosario - Bogotá
Docteur en droit public de l'Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), ancien ATER à Sciences Po Toulouse, Grenfieth de J. Sierra Cadena est Professeur de droit public à l'Université du Rosario à Bogotá (Colombie). |
Norvège / Département de Droit, Ecole de commerce et de droit - Université de Agder
Norway / Department of Law, School of Business and Law - University of Agder
Iris NGUYÊN-DUY is Docteur of Law (University of Paris 1 – Sorbonne) and Associate Professor at the Department of Law, School of Business and Law, at the University of Agder in Norway. She was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo. Her research interests lie within Constitutional Law, Comparative Public Law, Administrative Law (Open Government) and Local Government / Local Autonomy issues. She is also a member of the Observatory on Local Autonomy in Europe (OLA-Europe). She wrote a PhD-thesis on the sovereignty of the British Parliament (La souveraineté du Parlement britannique, éd. L’Harmattan, 2011) and studied the Norwegian parliament (Storting) as a postdoctor. |
Australie / Université de Sydney
Australia / University of Sydney
Margaret Allars is a professor in the Faculty of Law. She is the author of Introduction to Australian Administrative Law (Butterworths, Sydney, 1990), Administrative Law: Cases and Commentary(Butterworths, Sydney, 1997) and many articles and book chapters, the Administrative Law Title in Halsbury's Laws of Australia. |
Espagne / Université de Murcie
Spain / University of Murcia
Profesora titular en universidad de Murcia |
Pologne / Université de Lodz
Poland / University of Lodz
Professor Henryk Dzwonkowski is a graduate of Faculty of Law and Administration at The University of Lodz (1974-1978). Since 2012 he has been The Chairman of The Chamber of Financial Law, Faculty of Law and Administration at The University of Lodz. He carried out an internship at universities in Paris (Sorbonne, Paris X, Paris XII), The University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Academy of Tax Law in Amsterdam. Professor lectured at Kozminski University, where he acted as a prorector, at The University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz and in The European School of Law and Administration (in London, Brussels, Manchester, Birmingham, Oslo and Berlin). Since 1997 (with a break) professor is a specialist at Bureau of Research Chancellery of the Sejm (Polish Parliament). He was an official advisor of Minister of Finance for four years and after that a vice-chairman of National Council of Tax Advisors and a chairman of National Exam Committee to Tax Advising Matters. He is a professional attorney and tax advisor, practicing since 1985. He is also a member of Tax Monitor Programme Council, Studies of Parliamentary Analysis Office and a member of Central and Eastern Europe Public Finance and Tax Law Research Organization – Association at Faculty of Law of Białystok University. He is an author of over a 150 academic books in scope of financial law (mostly tax law), including 2 monographies. Commentary to the Tax Ordinance under his redaction was already printed in 7 editions. The professor organized and took part in many scientific conferences. He reviewed 4 doctoral theses and is an author of over 200 legal opinions. |
IMODEV compte parmi ses membres des collaborateurs qui participent aux activités organisées dans le cadre des différents pôles de l'Institut.
Etats-Unis / Professeur - Brandeis School of Law - Louisville
United States of America / Professor - Brandeis School of Law - Louisville
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Colombie / Professeur - Universidad Externado de Colombia
Colombia / Professor - Universidad Externado de Colombia
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Mexique / Professeur - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Mexico / Professor - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
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Brésil / Doctorant - Conseiller municipal - Ville de Sao Paulo
Brazil / Researcher - Alderman - City of Sao Paulo
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Brésil / Professeur - Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Judicial
Brazil / Professor - Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Judicial
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Brésil / Professeur - Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).
Brazil / Professor - Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).
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Argentine / Professeur - Université de Belgrano - Buenos Aires
Argentina / Professor - University of Belgrano - Buenos Aires
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Colombie / Professeur - Université de Rosario - Bogotá
Colombia / Professor - University of Rosario - Bogotá
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Mexique / IMODEV
Mexico / IMODEV
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Brésil / Avocat - Rio de Janeiro
Brazil / Lawyer - Rio de Janeiro
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Afrique du Sud / Professeur associé - Department of Public Law - Université du Cap
South-Africa / Associate Professor - Department of Public Law - University of Cap Town
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Gabon / Conseiller technique du ministre d'Etat - Ministère de la Refondation
Gabon / Technical Adviser of the Minister of State - Ministry of Refoundation
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Madagascar / Juge administratif - Conseil d'Etat - Madagascar
Madagascar / Administrative judge - Council of State - Madagascar
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Australie / Professeur - Université de Sydney
Australia / Professor - University of Sydney
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Inde-France / Doctorant - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
India-France / Researcher - Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
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Inde / Professeur assistante - Institut indien d'Administration Publique
India / Assistant Professor - India Institute of Public Administration
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Allemagne, Luxembourg / Juriste-Linguiste - Cour de Justice de L'Union Européenne
Germany, Luxemburg / Jurist-Linguist - Court of Justice of the European Union
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Allemagne, Luxembourg / Référendaire - Cour de Justice de L'Union Européenne
Germany, Luxemburg / Legal secretary - Court of Justice of the European Union
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France / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Secretary-General of IMODEV, Irène Bouhadana is Docteur of Law and associate Professor at the Sorbonne Law School (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). She is the Director of the Master of Digital Law (E-Government). She belongs to the Sorbonne Law Research Institute (IRJS). She is also a member of the Observatory on Local Autonomy in Europe, and a member of the GRALE. She gives lectures and conducts research projects in the fields of : Digital Law and E-Government, National Institutions and Municipal administration though a comparative approach (Constitutional aspects, Management and Law of Civil servants and employees of the Public sector). She has an extensive experience in these fields in France and abroad (Russia, Czech Republic, Vietnam,...). |
France / Maitre de conférence - Université de Lille 2
France / Lecturer - University of Lille 2
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
France / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
President of IMODEV, William Gilles, Docteur of Law, is associate Professor at the Sorbonne Law School (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). He is the Director of the Bachelor of Public Administration and the Director of the Master of Digital Law (E-Government). He is a former member of the Law Department of the French Constitutional Court. He belongs to the Sorbonne Law Research Institute (IRJS). He is also a member of the Observatory on Local Autonomy in Europe, and a member of the GRALE. He gives lectures and conducts research projects in the fields of : digital law and e-government, public finances and taxation, financial local authonomy, State and local good dovernance. He has an extensive experience in these fields in France and abroad (Russia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Vietnam,...). |
République tchèque / Directeur de l'Institut d'études politiques - Faculté des sciences sociales - Université Charles
Czech Republic / Director of the Institut of Political Sciences - Faculty of Social sciences - Charles University
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Fédération de Russie / Researcher - Academy of Sciences - Doctor in Law
Russian Federation / Chercheuse - Académie des sciences de Russie - Docteur en droit
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France / Professeur - Université de Lille 2
France / Professor - University of Lille 2
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Royaume Uni / Professeur - Faculté d'éducation, de sciences sociales et de droit - Université de Leeds
United Kingdom / Professor - Faculty of Education, Social Sciences and Law - University of Leeds
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Danemark / Professeur Dr. - Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) - Faculté de droit de l'Université de Copenhague
Denmark / Professor Dr. Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) - Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
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Suède / Professeur - Université de Södertörn - Stockholm
Sweden / Professor - Södertörn University - Stockholm
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Italie / Université de LUISS - Rome
Italy / LUISS University - Roma
Italie / Professeur - Université de Bologne
Italy / Professor - University of Bologna
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Norvège / Maitre de conférence - Institut de droit public et international - Université d'Oslo
Norway / Lecturer - Institut of Public and International Law - University of Olso
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Espagne / Professeur - Université de Murcie
Spain / Professor - University of Murcia
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Pologne / Professeur - Université de Lodz
Poland / Professor - University of Lodz
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France / Directeur général des services - Mairie de Clermont-Ferrand
France / Director General of the Services - Municipality of Clermont-Ferrand
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Pologne / Doctorante - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Poland / Researcher, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
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France / Doctorant - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / Researcher, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
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Russie-France / Expert international
Russia-France / International expert
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Hongrie / Président de l'Autorité Nationale Hongroise pour la protection des données et la liberté de l'Information
Hungary Republic / President of the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
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Grèce / PhD. (c) - Legal and Policy Adviser
Greece / PhD. (c) - Legal and Policy Adviser
Mr. Stavros Tasiopoulos PhD (c), is a Legal and Policy Adviser, holder of three post-graduate degrees in the fields of Public Law and Policies (LLM), International & European Energy Law (LL.M) from Democritus University of Thrace, School of Law, and Environmental Governance & Sustainable Development (MSc) from Panteion University. Currently he is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Athens, Law School (on a thesis about the interaction of human rights with economic development towards the SDGs), and also is a scientific collaborator at the University's think tank “In Deep Analysis”. He is an independent legal and policy adviser, licensed member of the Athens Bar Association and has worked for the Greek Government – Ministry of Administrative Reform. He has represented Greece at the Public Governance Committee of the OECD (2015-2016) and has also edited the public sector commitments at Greece's 3rd National Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership – OGP. He specializes in public policies for sustainable development, through legal and policy reforms and government innovation, based on the evidence-based approach and the tools of open and good governance. Also his research interests and expertise applies in environmental – energy law and policy connected with climate change, investments and human rights, providing legal and policy justification. Having an honest academic and professional concern for sustainable development issues, he has participated in important conferences such as the World Government Summit and its Sustainable Development Goals in Action Initiative, in Dubai 2017 and also at the Open Government Summit, in Paris 2016. With concern for youth, community and development issues, he is since 2015 elected as the Secretary General of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (Organization in Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC) and since 2014 is an elected Municipal Councilor at Egaleo City, in the west suburbs of Athens. |