Scientific committee / Comité scientifique - Dec. 2016.
Please take in consideration this is a draft version, subject to change.
Under the direction of / Sous la direction de
Irène Bouhadana & William Gilles
France / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Secretary-General of IMODEV, Irène Bouhadana is Docteur of Law and associate Professor at the Sorbonne Law School (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). She is the Director of the Master of Digital Law (E-Government). She belongs to the Sorbonne Law Research Institute (IRJS). She is also a member of the Observatory on Local Autonomy in Europe, and a member of the GRALE. She gives lectures and conducts research projects in the fields of : Digital Law and E-Government, National Institutions and Municipal administration though a comparative approach (Constitutional aspects, Management and Law of Civil servants and employees of the Public sector). She has an extensive experience in these fields in France and abroad (Russia, Czech Republic, Vietnam,...). |
France / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
President of IMODEV, William Gilles, Docteur of Law, is associate Professor at the Sorbonne Law School (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). He is the Director of the Bachelor of Public Administration and the Director of the Master of Digital Law (E-Government). He is a former member of the Law Department of the French Constitutional Court. He belongs to the Sorbonne Law Research Institute (IRJS). He is also a member of the Observatory on Local Autonomy in Europe, and a member of the GRALE. He gives lectures and conducts research projects in the fields of : digital law and e-government, public finances and taxation, financial local authonomy, State and local good dovernance. He has an extensive experience in these fields in France and abroad (Russia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Vietnam,...). |
Australie / Professeur - Université de Sydney
Australia / Professor - University of Sydney
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Allemagne, Luxembourg / Juriste-linguiste - Cour de Justice de L'Union Européenne
Germany, Luxemburg / Jurist-Linguist - Court of Justice of the European Union
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Afrique du Sud / Professeur - Department of Public Law - Université du Cap
South-Africa / Professor - Department of Public Law - University of Cap Town
Richard Calland is Associate Professor in the Public Law Department at the University of Cape Town. He teaches constitutional and human r ights law, and some administrative law. His specializes in the law and practice of the right to access to information and whistleblowing protection; in administrative justice; in public ethics; and in constitutional design - largely derived from his work as programme manager of the Political Informa tion & Monitoring Service at Idasa - the leading democracy think tank in Africa - which he led from its inception in 1995 until 2003. In 2000, he founded the Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC), a law centre based in Cape Town, which promotes the 'right to know', advising whistleblowers, advocating law reform and taking test case litigation on access to information. He continues to play a role at Idasa as Acting Manager of the Economic Governance Programme that was initiated in January 2007, and serves as part-time Executive Director of ODAC ( He is a member of the Transparency Task team of the Institute for Public Dialogue at Columbia University, which is led by Professor Joseph Stiglitz. Professor Calland has in recent years served as an expert consultant to the Carter Center, the foundation led by former US President Jimmy Carter, advising on various transparency projects in Bolivia, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Peru and Mali. In South Africa, Calland writes a fortnightly political column for the Mail and Guardian newspaper, 'Contretemps', and is a regular commentator in the media. In 2005, he spent two terms at Cambridge University, as a visiting scholar at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law. In 2006, he spent a month as a visiting lecturer in constitutional law at the law department of Meiji University, Tokyo. Before coming to South Africa in 1994, Calland practiced law at the London Bar (called in 1987 at Lincoln's Inn). He holds an LLM from the University of Cape Town, a Diploma in World Politics from the London School of Economics and an BA(Hons) Law from the University of Durham. - See more at: |
Colombie / Professeur - Université de Rosario - Bogotá
Colombia / Professor - University of Rosario - Bogotá
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Brésil / Professeur - Instituto Brasileiro de Administraçāo Judicial
Brazil / Professor - Instituto Brasileiro de Administraçāo Judicial
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Pologne / Professeur - Université de Lodz
Poland / Professor - University of Lodz
Italie / Professeur - Université de LUISS - Rome
Italy / Professor - LUISS University - Roma
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Canada / Professeur - Université de Windsor
Canada / Professor - University of Windsor
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Suède / Professeur - Université de Södertörn - Stockholm
Sweden / Professor - Södertörn University - Stockholm
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Danemark / Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) - Faculté de droit de l'Université de Copenhague
Denmark / Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) - Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
Professor Dr. Helle Krunke is Professor of Constitutional Law and Head of Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies (CECS) at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL). Her research interests lie within Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and EU Law with a specific focus on the interplay between these fields. Her latest publications include: Helle Krunke: ‘Case note the Danish Lisbon Case’ in European Constitutional Law Review, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 542-570, Martin Scheinin, Helle Krunke and Marina Aksenova (ed.): ‘Judges as Guardians of Constitutionalism and Human Rights’, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016 (forthcoming) and Helle Krunke: ‘Sovereignty, constitutional identity, direct democracy? Direct democracy as a national strategy for upholding the nation state in EU integration’ in Jörg Gerkrath and Xenophon Contiades (ed.): ‘Participatory Constitutional Change: The people as amenders of the Constitution’, Ashgate Publishing, 2016 (forthcoming). As regards IMODEV she has so far contributed with the following publications: Helle Krunke: ‘Open Government: Challenges arising from Europeanization and Internationalization’ in Irene Bouhadana, William Gilles and Iris Nguyen-Duy (ed.): ’Parliaments in the Open Government Era’, Les Éditions IMODEV, Paris, 2015, and Helle Krunke: ‘Freedom of information and open government in Denmark: Progress or deterioration?’ in Irene Bouhadana, William Gilles and Russel Weaver (ed.): ’Freedom of Information and Governmental Transparency in the Open Government Era’, Les Éditions IMODEV, Paris, 2016 (forthcoming). |
Etats-Unis / Professeur - Elon University
United States / Professor - Elon University
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Argentine / Professeur - Université de Belgrano - Buenos Aires
Argentina / Professor - University of Belgrano - Buenos Aires
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
France / Professeur - Université de Lille 2
France / Professor - University of Lille 2
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Pologne / Professeur associé - Université de Lodz
Poland / Associate Professor - University of Lodz
France / Sciences Po Lyon - IEP Lyon
France / Sciences Po Lyon - IEP Lyon
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Mexique / Professeur - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Mexico / Professor - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Colombia / Professeur - Universidad Externado de Colombia
Colombia / Professor - Universidad Externado de Colombia
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Allemagne, Luxembourg / Référendaire - Cour de Justice de L'Union Européenne
Germany, Luxemburg / Legal secretary - Court of Justice of the European Union
Réferendaire à la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne |
Brésil / Professeur - Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).
Brazil / Professor - Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Allemagne / Professeur - Université Goethe - Francfort le Main
Germany / Professor - Goethe University - Frankfurt Am Main
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Fédération de Russie / Researcher - Academy of Sciences - Doctor in Law
Russian Federation / Chercheuse - Académie des sciences de Russie - Docteur en droit
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Brésil / Avocat et conseiller municipal - Ville de Sao Paulo
Brazil / Advocate and alderman - City of Sao Paulo
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
France / Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Etats-Unis / Brandeis School of Law - Louisville
United States of America / Brandeis School of Law - Louisville
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
République Tchèque / Directeur de l'Institut des Sciences Politiques - Université Charles - Prague
Czech Republic / Director of the Institute of Political Science - Charles University - Prague
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Espagne / Professeur - Université de Murcie
Spain / Professor - University of Murcia
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Norvège / Université d'Oslo
Norway / University of Oslo
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Hongrie / Président de l'Autorité Nationale Hongroise pour la protection des données et la liberté de l'Information
Hungary Republic / President of the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Royaume-Uni / Bickbeck College, Université de Londres
United Kingdom / Birkbeck College, University of London
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Brésil / Directeur de l'Institut de Technologie & Société de Rio de Janeiro, ESPM
Brazil / Executive Director at Institute for Technology and Society, ESPM
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
France / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
France / University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Mexique / Directeur - Escuela de Administración Pública - Districto Federal - Mexico
Mexico / Director - Escuela de Administración Pública - Districto Federal - Mexico
Biography available soon / Biographie bientôt disponible |
Young researchers and academics students panel / Comité de jeunes chercheurs et d'étudiants
En construction / Under construction